The Academy of Applied Arts has provided information about the company on its website and by using the website, and its material you agree to the academy’s terms and conditions.
The content of the website is owned by the Academy of Applied Arts. The rights concerning their use are protected by the rules laid down by the government of India. Brands, logos, and names are Registered Copyright marks of the Academy of Applied Arts, protected under the laws of the Government of India, and cannot be used without written consent.
Usage Clause
The information on the website can be accessed by the user for personal use. The information mentioned on the website cannot be reproduced or duplicated for any purpose.
Academy collects data concerning the use of the website for the purpose to improve the service offered to the visitors through the use of cookies. The data is collected, as to how many users browse the website.
Review clause
Academy has the right to change the terms and conditions, use of the website, as well as change course content at its discretion.
Personal Information
The end-user browses the Academy’s website to know about the programs offered by the Academy. The details entered by the user are used by the Academy for internal purposes. We do not share users’ sensitive information with any third party. The purpose is to guide the candidates who want to take admissions in the various courses. The Academy may take the following details from the candidate:-
- Name
- Phone number
- E-mail address
- Course Preference
- Campus Preference
Academy collects and uses the information for the following purpose:-
- Creating visitor database
- Enrolment in course
- Internal purposes
- Law and Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction of all disputes is limited to the courts of New Delhi, India.